Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Beginning!

Well hello all who have come to join me!

I've decided to start a blog. Honestly, everyone seems to have one and I felt kind of left out. I'm starting with a purpose though. I am a lover of scrapbooking and I am also lazy. When I don't have a specific task it's hard for me to get things done. So, I have found a list of 99 scrapbooking layout challenges on I have a task. And, I am ready for the challenge. Come back periodically to see how far I've come. Comment, critique, give advice, give love. All are welcome. Hope to see you around!

Love, Hugs, and Brownies,



  1. Happy blogging!! First follower probably deserves some brownies, no? Just sayin. Love you and can't wait to read about your scrapping adventures :)

  2. Hey Janelle,
    Loving what your doing, I've always loved scrap booking. I never actually did it but I always do fun stuff with pictures.. (make borders,customize frames..) Your the first person I'm blogging and I'm so excited,, cant wait to see what you do!!!!!

  3. Yay!! Im not much of a blogger so I will follow yours! :) Also...I would like some of that love and brownies you mentioned lady!

  4. It's 1118 Monday morning...I'm waiting...;)

  5. Hey Janelle, I haven't checked on you in a while. I wanted to come by and see how things were going. I love the work you have posted. You given me a bug to start scrap booking again.
